National Tribal Road Maintenance Symposium
The inaugural National Tribal Road Maintenance Symposium was held May 14-16, 2024, in Rapid City, SD. This event brought together Tribal road maintenance practitioners with Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Division of Transportation and BIA Regional Tribal Transportation Program staff to provide information on administrative and field operations components of federal road maintenance programs and resources for Tribal governments. This event provided support for Tribal transportation directors, supervisors, planners, office staff, equipment operators, project managers and others to learn about the BIA Road Maintenance Program and related federal standards and requirements. Tribal programs also shared experiences on improving road maintenance practices and advancing tribal transportation infrastructure and safety.
The symposium was planned and organized by Northern Tribal Technical Assistance Program, a part of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at North Dakota State University, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Additional funding was provided by our generous sponsor, KLJ Engineering.
Thanks to the Local Technical Assistance Programs in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, and Wyoming for providing expertise and assistance at the symposium and to the Southwestern Tribal Technical Assistance Program for coordinating the equipment roadeo.
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Related Links
- Symposium Agenda (PDF, 1937K)
Title | Presenter |
Bridge Preservation & Maintenance (PDF, 9.95 MB) Additional Resources:
| Bryon Fuchs, PE, Northern TTAP and North Dakota LTAP |
GAO 17-423 Report Update: BIA Road Maintenance Report (PDF, 192K) | LeRoy Gishi, Chief, BIA Division of Transportation |
Performance Requirements of 93-638 Road Maintenance Contracts (PDF, 612K) | LeRoy Gishi and Sheldon Kipp, BIA Division of Transportation |
Road/Bridge Maintenance Programs Update (PDF, 297K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |
Alternatives for Asset Management (PDF, 1560K) | Harry Taylor, Road Maintenance Supervisor, Nez Perce Tribe |
BIA Road Maintenance: Condition Rating of Service Levels Manual (PDF, 4414K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |
Road Maintenance Funds and Eligibility (RIFDS, 25%, TPA) (PDF, 156K) | Sheldon Kipp, BIA-DOT |
Roadway Foundations (PDF, 46.1 MB) | Bryon Fuchs, PE, North Dakota LTAP; Scott Whaley, PE, Tensar |
Tribal Aggregate Business Development: Why Should I Do It? (PDF, 7445K) | Duane Matt, Solid Minerals Branch Chief / Geologist, BIA Division of Energy and Minerals Development |
Funding Opportunities for Tribal Transportation Projects: Are You Getting All the Grant Money You Can? (PDF, 3478K) | Todd Macalady, Southwestern TTAP; Tonya Huber, PE, KLJ Engineering |
Leadership Styles and High Performance (PDF, 2643K) | Matthew Ulberg, PE, Director, Montana LTAP |
Unit Cost Estimating Discussion, Best Practices Roundtable (PDF, 729K) | Robert Frazier, BIA Division of Transportation |